| | APRIL 20228IN FOCUSGlobal Smartphone Display Panel Market Touches $46 Billion in 2021BY CEO INSIGHTS TEAMThe global smartphone display panel market recorded a revenue of $46 billion in 2021 and OLED display led the mar-ket. OLED display panels saw increased adoption in the supply chains of lead-ing smartphone OEMs (original equipment manufacturers), ac-cording to Strategy Analytics."We note more than 600 million OLED panels for smartphones were shipped to OEMs", said senior analyst Jeffrey Mathews.The smartphone display panel recorded more than five percent annual revenue growth. Samsung Display dominated the market with 49 percent revenue share, fol-lowed by BOE Technology with 16 percent and LG Display with eight percent in 2021. The top three display panel vendors captured near-ly 72 percent revenue share in the global smartphone display panel market. Smartphone Display Panel technology is set to be a strong point of differentiation this year."The OLED segment continued to see strong momentum in terms of customer demand. However, the shortage of display driver ICs and increasing BOM restricted the growth of the OLED segment and allowed LCD panels to capture vol-umes", said Jeffrey."We forecast intense compe-tition for OLED displays as lead-ing smartphone OEMs continue to seek more display suppliers to counter cost and supply challeng-es", said Stephen Entwistle, Vice Pres-ident of the Strategic Technologies Practice. SAMSUNG DISPLAY DOMINATED THE MARKET WITH 49 PERCENT REVENUE SHARE, FOLLOWED BY BOE TECHNOLOGY WITH 16 PERCENT AND LG DISPLAY WITH EIGHT PERCENT IN 2021
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