| |DECEMBER 20226C O NT R IB U T O R SResearchers in India have a Unique Opportunity to be at the Forefront of Knowledge CreationPrakash Satyavageeswaran, Faculty,IIM UdaipurEXPERTS TALKTHOUGHT LEADERSHIPCreating A Future Ready Workplace Post COVIDĀ­ 19Supply Chain Digitization is the Key to Building Immunity against DisruptionsTechnology Creating a Butterfly EffectLakshmi Mittra,VP & Head,Clover AcademyRahul Garg,Founder,MoglixGanesh Verma,Chief Executive Officer, Cerebrum InfotechBhaskar Bhosale, CEO,SOM Autotech1624282210EDITOR'S CHOICEParikshit Gupta,CEO, OHT FASTCOMP26 LEADERS INTOP 10 AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 2022
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