| | APRIL 20218IN FOCUSDecarbonization & Sustainable Future: Technology & What It Can Do?BY CEO INSIGHTS TEAMCarbon neutrality is a buzz word not just among the governments & environmentalists but also among the corporate houses. Microsoft has announced its plans of going carbon negative by 2030. Amazon pledged to go carbon natural by 2040. Starbucks has committed to be resource positive within a decade by reducing carbon emissions, water withdrawl, and landfill waste by 50 percent. Unilever aims going carbon neutral by 2039. But how serious are they?Let's start with knowing what consumers want. According to a 2018 survey, 88 percent of consumers prefer companies that help them live more sustainably. For the past several decades, consumers have been `kind of fooled' with the buzzy marketing terms through which corporates green washing have become a common practice. Consumers are fed with the thought that a company's products are more eco-friendly than they actually are. But the fact is that with time consumers have become more cautiously of what they buy. Sustainable products sure come under this bracket. Hence it is important that corporates start giving better & clear information to their consumers about from where they source their sustainable raw materials and be more specific about the sustainable product they use. Indeed this, on one end, will make the companies more careful and go beyond just the buzz word, on the other end, consumers will feel more product to be associated with the brand, knowing what and how sustainable the brands are.
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