| | APRIL 202219Change, especially in a highly uncertain environment, is unprecedented ­ sometimes working to our advantage, and most of the time, it challenges us to do better. However, what we learn from change and how we choose to leverage our learnings and grow with it, is what dictates success. Apart from that, having a positive outlook, taking opportunities that came my way and positively, persistently, working towards my goals, not to overlook the guidance support received from leadership and support from my team and colleagues. HOW DO YOU PLAN TO ALIGN THE COMPANY'S OPERATIONS WITH THE CHANGING MARKET BEHAVIORS? WHAT OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU FORESEE, AND WHAT IS THE ROADMAP SET FOR THE COMPANY?Having been an industry leader in the express logistics segment, we have understood that the market or customer behavior never remains constant. Extensive market research, having a diverse team that mirrors our customer demographic and highlighting the importance of adaptability have helped us align our operations with changing market trends and customer behavior. The pandemic has put the spotlight on e-Commerce digitalization and highlighted the importance of sustainable practices. In the current economic scenario as well as in the years to come, I firmly believe that these are the industries wherein opportunities can be found. Blue Dart continues to consistently invest in these areas.As a part of the DHL e-Commerce Division of the Deutsche Post DHL Group, we work with over 70 percent of the e-Commerce majors across the nation. Our extensive reach, superior transit times, as well as and low Return-to-Origin has been exceptionally beneficial for all our e-Commerce customers. Technology and Automation continue to remain a major pivot of our operations and we continue to consistently invest in this to ensure that in the case of another unprecedented event, as the pandemic we can continue with 'business-as-usual'. From a sustainability perspective, Blue Dart follows the mission of 'Connecting People, Improving Lives'. As an organization, we take every necessary measure to ensure the safety, growth of the communities and the environment in which we reside and operate. As an ESG compliant company, Blue Dart has clear Sustainability Goals and aims to achieve them by following a well-detailed Sustainability Roadmap. The roadmap encompasses three crucial elements: Clean Operations for Climate Protection (Environment), a Great Company to Work for all (Social) as well as building a Highly Trusted Company (Governance). Following the roadmap, Blue Dart seeks to make a lasting impact in communities through its 'Go Programs'--GoTeach (Championing education), GoGreen (Protecting the environment), and GoHelp (Disaster management response). WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO THE UPCOMING LEADERS STARTING ANEW IN THIS INDUSTRY?The pandemic has been my most recent teacher and my advice to anyone beginning their journey with the industry would be skewed to my learnings from this challenging period. I believe that leading during turbulent times necessitates the need to keep channels open with your colleagues at all times, more importantly, during a crisis. As a leader, you need to instill confidence in all your stakeholders--internal & external and ensure that your promise is delivered. Lastly, clarity of thought in paving the way forward for the organization and its people.
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