| | JUNE 202219There is a rise in demands for interactive market-ing contents with the absolute power of Google-like search engines. The products are always manufac-tured according to data from customers' end; it's always from customers' intention. Gone out are the days where marketing was of selling things, now we are trying to educate the customers. We are the edu-cators as well as the advertisers. What are the marketing mediums in today's internet buzzed world?Social Media is the place where everybody is going for product search. The kind of marketing that is happening is changing because there is a lot of influ-ence and emphasis on marketing. The pandemic and digital transformation have taught importance of in-novation on how content is should reach the consum-ers. The major medium, B2C, helps in knocking de-cisions with respect to much faster customer reach. In case it's B2B, customers don't agree that they're completely informed of facilities (which happens in B2C as well). That's why media is one excellent tool offering accurate purchase decisions.For effective applications of the marketing strate-gies, a strong team is really helpful in forging scopes for learning two things - learning every day from cus-tomer behavior and curating opinions and suggestions while learning. Implementing the same, the teams help in gaining ideas about which medium works and how. It also helps in encapsulating knowledge about what does not work, what customers from various fields of businesses are looking for channelizing their products and services through everyday marketing. Leadership in marketing helps in managing teams and curving pneumatic yet flexible marketing decisions. Empower-ing people makes a perfect pathway for put forwarding businesses while generating profits.While learning, teams gather experiences for align-ing business thinking as a leader. There definitely is a lot of difference between corporate learning and for-mal education as the corporate sector offers real-time success and failure stats. There are so many things that a leader has to think about like avoiding cor-ruption. That's why I think employees should always have a learning attitude. New products and new en-lightenment happen faster during pandemics such as COVID. A/B testing that we do in marketing ensures gainable strategies for advertisement, simultaneously, the testing imbibes quick decision-making skills, like how fast and unmistakable tracks can a marketing campaign have. WHILE LEARNING, TEAMS GATHER EXPERIENCES FOR ALIGNING BUSINESS THINKING AS A LEADER
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