| | JANUARY 20218In FocusBY CEO INSIGHTS TEAMINTEGRATION OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CAN TRANSFORM THE POWER SECTOR OF INDIAThe acceleration of the digital world demands the adoption of the latest innovations by the organizations; as failing to do will result in loss of business. Enterprises of various industries have realized the same and that is why 88 percent of companies are working toward digital transformation. What is digital transformation, is known by everyone today. Still here is a short description of digital transformation It is the process of using digital technologies in a strategic manner that streamlines and accelerates any businesses' operations, including business model to in-house processes. Digital transformation is also known as digital business transformation or digitization. Adopting digital transformation can offer various benefits to a business, which includes increment in revenue, enhancement of customer experience and gaining a competitive edge in the industry.In the current era industries are embracing digital transformation. Digital transformation is the force that's changing the world. Today, the integrated chip that we have in our smartphone has more computing power than the first rocket ships that landed on the moon. Digital Transformation means switching from manual processes to autonomous processes and using data insights for business decision making. Out of all the several industries that are leveraging the benefits of digital transformation, one industry that is utilizing it not just to manage the operational hurdles but to grow and flourish as an industry is the power and utilities sector of India. Last year the unexpected occurrence of the deadly coronavirus pandemic brought unprecedented financial and operational challenges with it. In order to deal with this scenario, the power and utilities sector of India adopted different digital technologies and platforms for the betterment of everything including workforce, stakeholder collaboration, and increase enterprise robustness while keeping business continuity at the forefront.Let's see how the digital transformation has been reframing the power sectorTech innovation is no longer associated only with the replacement of paperwork with automated electronic systems. The next step is the reinvention of the ways that power and utilities companies do business, engage their customers and interact with them. And let us not forget about Energy 4.0, a buzzword used to denote the digital revolution in this industry. Industry 4.0 is a notion that is known well in the world of manufacturing. This `fourth industrial revolution' incorporates automation and data that is used for the optimization of production, enhanced flexibility and efficiency within a smart factory environment. Being adopter of digital technologies, the power and utilities sector is embracing such emerging innovations as the Internet of Things (IoT), Data Science, Machine Learning and cloud computing. The digital revolution - referred to as Energy 4.0 - involves these advances to build smart grids, manage renewable energy and distributed generation.Evolution of workplaces is another facet of digital transformation. Due to pandemic, we learnt how to work from home or remotely. Many private and public sector utilities across the power sector value chain have been investing in collaboration platforms for video and audio conferencing, chat messenger and file exchange to communicate and collaborate as a single unit across the organization. Nowadays, utilities are also adopting remote working devices and tools, limiting the manual way of working to perform critical day-to-
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