| | APRIL 20229SNOWFLAKE ENSURESHIGH LEVELS OF DATA SECURITYAND GOVERNANCE, ANDIT'S BUILT IN CAPABILITIES ANDEXTENDED PARTNER NETWORKBETTER ALLOW COMPANIES TOMEET COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTSAND SATISFY INDUSTRY REGULATIONSSpectrum Health, and others, are unlocking data to deliver improved patient outcomes and care ex-periences, optimizing care delivery, and enhancing clinical and operational decision making. Addition-ally, life sciences organizations like Novartis are leveraging the Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud to optimize omnichannel engagement and accelerate time to market while collaborating more closely than ever with their healthcare partners. "At Spectrum Health and Priority Health we strive to improve health, inspire hope, and save lives by deliv-ering personalized health made simple", said Chris Crook, CIO at Priority Health, and SVP Infor-mation Services at Spectrum Health. "A key component of our integrated care approach is being able to know the whole person and, when appropri-ate, being able to share data to address holistic patient needs. With Snowflake's Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud, we can easily and securely share and curate data from a single source of truth to realize the integrated care mission, offering the best possible outcomes and pa-tient experience"."At Novartis, we are fo-cused on reimagining medicine to extend people's lives", said Loïc Giraud, Head of Novartis' Global Head of Digital Platform & Product Delivery. "To do this, we must put data and data science at the heart of every-thing we do. Snowflake's Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud is helping us turn our data into incred-ible sources of insight by accelerating our ability to ingest, curate and share data in a timely manner that wouldn't be possible with other solutions. Snowflake is helping us get our patients faster access to the medicine they need". Learn more about the capabilities Snowflake's Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud offers for cus-tomers here. Within the Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud, Snowflake also offers partner solutions and enables partner delivered solutions. These end to end technology and industry solutions take advan-tage of Snowflake's unique interoperability and se-cure data sharing capabilities to connect the health-care and life sciences ecosystem:· Applications and solutions Powered by Snowflake, like those from Health Catalyst, Strata and IQVIA, leverage the powerful platform capabilities of Snow-flake to unlock access to data at scale for critical pro-cesses both within their organization and in collabo-ration with industry partners.· Snowflake Data Marketplace partners, like Com-pile, Equifax, Invitae, IQVIA, PRECISION xtract, and Same Sky Health, enable timely access to 3rd party data sources via data sharing, enabling healthcare and life sciences organizations to securely exchange critical datasets in a timely manner, eliminating the need for traditional data sharing methods requiring data copying and movement. · Technology partners like Alation, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Dataiku, H20.ai and Thought-Spot, provide seamless integrations and out-of-the-box solutions so customers can attain deeper insights and realize the full power and ease of use of the Healthcare and Life Sciences Data Cloud. · Consulting and Services partners, such as Cognizant, Deloitte, Infosys, NTT DATA, phData, and SDG, build solutions on Snowflake to help their clients maximize the business value of being data driven. Healthcare and Life Sciences partner solutions target top pri-ority, industry relevant use cases like patient person-alization and outcome based care. Learn more about the partner tailored solutions for Healthcare and Life Sciences businesses here. "The Snowflake Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud can unlock the next generation of innovation in the industry by enabling organizations to take advantage of borderless data access while ensuring strict data governance, security, and privacy compli-ance", said Todd Crosslin, Healthcare & Life Sciences Industry Principal at Snowflake. "The entire indus-try can benefit from this live, connected ecosystem to get access to the data they need when it's needed. Snow flake is helping healthcare organizations to-ward their goals of achieving better outcomes for pa-tients, customers partners, and their businesses".
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