| | OCTOBER 20219your content. While adding text, make sure that it's eye-catching but also easy to read. Uncommon fonts or weird colour combinations will ruin the video's aesthetics.6. Customize the Video: Cut out the parts of the video that are not relevant or too long. A long intro can bore the viewer and cause them to leave the video in between. Ideally, it should be around 10 seconds and not more than that. However, don't try to fit in too much content in those 10 seconds. Only add media that can give away your channel's purpose and catch the viewer's attention.7. Preview: Once you are done editing the intro, watch it again to make sure it matches your channel and the idea that you started with. A good video editor will allow you to change anything that you added to the video.8. Merge with your Video: The final step is to combine your intro with the video you have to upload. Make sure the transition from the intro to the video is smooth. The intro should fade into the video naturally and should not feel off.Some Tips for a Good Intro1. Cold Open: You must have noticed how some of the famous TV shows or even YouTube videos show a glimpse or scene of the video before it starts. After the glimpse, they start their intro video. This is known as cold open and is done to get the viewer's interest in the video. The sudden break in the scene creates a curiosity gap that makes the viewer want to continue watching. You can utilize this technique in your videos to attract viewers and keep them hooked.2. Keep it Short: As mentioned before, long intros are boring and cause the viewers to click away. So the longest you can go for an intro is 10 seconds. Don't exceed this time limit, but don't keep it too short either, as you cannot even build an impression. 3. Keep it Relevant: Mention something that resonates with your viewers as well as your channel. Don't try to market yourself or boost your brand. Keep it simple and subtle. Ensure that the intro matches the theme of your content.ConclusionEstablishing a good reputation online is not an easy task. However, with the availability of such tools, it is getting easier and quicker. Even with less content of your own, you can still create remarkable videos through this software. You can play around with different settings and add something new with just a click. Using a free online video editor such as Promo is pretty straightforward. If you are starting a new YouTube channel, we recommend following the above-mentioned steps to create an outstanding and professional YouTube intro. With the right content and tools, you can be social media famous in no time.
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