| |December 20199insights. This helps the organiza-tion scalegreater heightsby identi-fying anomalies in production, sug-gestions for product directions, etc. Yet, in this process, the need to constantly revisit security practices is increasing as operations become more integrated and cybersecurity attacks and methodologies evolve rapidly. To run a smooth business, while addressing such concerns in a competitive backdrop, the com-pany needs more than just good infrastructure. It needs an agile workforce of professionals who can go beyond their set roles to steer the organization towards a successful future.HowCan Organizations Pro-mote Agile Skillsets Through Continual AdaptabilityAn organization cannot gain such a dynamic group of professionals overnight. It has to continuous-ly train its workforce and make it adaptable to continuous change. As Darwin quoted more than a hundred years ago -it is not the strongest who survive, but the ones who adapt quickly to the change in which they find themselves. Considering this, many compa-nies are leveragingnew-age, tech-backed learning platforms to train their workforce. However, only a few of them are promoting continu-ous adaptability which is necessary to nurture a truly holistic learning environment at the workplace. Cre-ating a learning culture is import-ant for the company to ensure that the employees actually assimilate the training received into their professional practice.There are certain things the learning system should take care of to empower em-ployees rather than push them to adapt to change:· Accessibility: An ideal learn-ing platform should incorporate learning into many different pro-grams and promote learning on the go. It should be accessible to users from across the globe. While stan-dardizing the content for users, the system should cater to the diverse needs of every employee and pro-vide personalized and immersive learning experiences.· Content and Delivery: The system should incorporate numer-ous elements in the content in or-der to make it truly interesting for the employees. The company can adopt innovative delivery methods like gamification to drive employee engagement with the training. This will motivate them to strive for ex-cellence in the course.· New-age infrastructure: Mak-ing use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), LMS can enable global collaborative up-skilling. For this, an organiza-tion will have to invest in innovative infrastructure which can facilitate forward-looking learning methods. Finally, to ensure training ef-fectiveness, management mus-tencourage existing motivation, provide immediate feedback, inte-grate learning with talent manage-ment and quantify ROI in training and development.This will lead to moremore productive employ-ees who can dynamically move from one role to another. This ef-fectively contributes to enhancing the organization's overall perfor-mance. Apart from this, continu-ous training updates the workforce with current compliance regula-tions,and saves the company from large fines as well as reputational damage.Thus investing in training is equivalent to investing in the company's future.Facilitating Even Distribution of KnowledgeIn today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations cannot stop at upskilling. Instead, theymust ensure continual, unified growth of all employees. Using data analytics, organizations can combine infor-mation from multiple departments and convert contextual knowledge into a common shareable digital format. Companies can, thus,en-sure that professionals operating in different units, arenot isolated from one another. This can enable seamless exchange of knowledge and wider competency building for a still larger number of employees at a high speedand scale.As we rapidly progress towards a tech-enabled future, a major shift from tasks performed by humans to those performed by machines can transformthe global labour market.Adaptability across organizations cangive way to a future where the extensive presence of machines-can act as an enabler for humans, not an impediment. Creating new, high-value positions along with skilled candidates,organizations can benefit fromthe technological transformation. TO ENSURE TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS, THE MANAGEMENT MUST ENCOURAGE EXISTING MOTIVATION, PROVIDE IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK, INTEGRATE LEARNING WITH TALENT MANAGEMENT AND QUANTIFY ROI IN TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT
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