| |August 20198AGILE ARCHITECTUREHaving completed his BE Electronics & Communication from National Institute of Engineering, Girish has been associated with Mindtree for 18 years now, prior to which he held the role of Senior Engineer at Siemens.For nearly two decades now, Agile has heralded in an ef-fective model of application development in the industry. With focus on early delivery and close collaboration between stakehold-ers, setting a standard for self-orga-nizing and cross-functional teams, Agile has made rapid response to change possible.Akin to civil building architec-ture, the software architecture lays -down the fundamental structure of a software system by defining its crit-ical components and composition. Software architectural decisions range from the macro dimensions such as n-tiers, data management, interoperability, platform indepen-dence, interfaces, API and non-func-tional requirements to the micro di-mensions, including algorithms. With multitude of languages available and business dynam-ics, a programming language decision is often a primary deci-sion. A typical software project has critical role for architects who act as medium between the customers and the devel-opers. The architects trans-late the business language, to technical language under-standable and realizable by the developers.It is worth recapping the Agile manifesto at this point:· Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools· Working Software over com-prehensive documentation· Customer Collaboration over contract negotiation· Responding to Change over following a planAgile is also guided by 12 key development prin-ciples, and clearly focuses on tangible, incremental and iterative results. Archi-tecture, on the other hand, is considered as `under the hoot' activity, By Girish Managoli, Chief Architect, MindtreeTHOUGHT LEADERSHIPGirish Managoli
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