| | DECEMBER 202319have adequate representation from each community. Empathy and acceptance of each individual in an organization is essential, but more importantly, they must be included as normal team members, respecting their diverse abilities and differences and making them comfortable. Efforts to handhold, mentor and train them so that they adjust to the work environment would be necessary. Creating ally ship and groups to share challenges and successes would also be extremely beneficial.Fostering a Cultural ShiftDiversity necessitates a collective approach and contribution from all employees. It requires an environment where employees listen intently, acknowledge the other person's feelings, own up to their misjudgments, and open up conversations respectfully. There is a tremendous need for education and sensitization programs aimed at fostering a cultural shift in the organizational DNA towards Diversity. This can only happen through a responsible approach and a focus on the end objective.Bridging the Systemic DivideYes, facilities like gender-neutral and accessible washrooms, period leave, conducive organizational policies, biodegradable sanitary napkin dispensers, and more, are important for an inclusive and sustainable environment but, at the same time, it is also imperative that organizations take consistent steps towards bridging the systemic divide and bring employees on common ground. Not only will it help them accept each other's abilities but it will also fuel collaboration and inclusion in decision-making and other organizational activities. A culturally diverse workplace is a powerhouse of new ideas, the employees are inclined to learn about other cultures on their own, which shows interest in and respect for their coworkers' identities. This also boosts the morale and fosters collaboration by creating an environment of curiosity, learning, mutual respect and love. What are the benefits of workplace diversity?Companies with diversified workforce experience many advantages over those who don't have diversified employees. Workplace diversity is not just something that improves your company's reputation. Workplace diversity also has many direct, tangible benefits. A diversified workforce enhances Increased creativity, Increased problem-solving, leading to Increased profits, Improved employee engagement, Reduced employee turnover, Improved company reputation and also Improved hiring results. A company with a diverse workforce will benefit from the insights of all its employees, who bring a wide array of expertise and resources.Steps to improve Organization's Workplace Diversity?The first step in improving your company's workplace diversity is hiring more diversified employees. In order to make that happen, you should make your hiring process more inclusive and inviting for people with different characteristics. Below are the 3-focus areas and these needs to be implemented to make an impact(a) Hire staff form diverse talent pools will give you access to a greater range of talent. (b) A diversified panel of interviewers brings more value to the table to understand the candidatures from diversified arena. (c) Share examples of successful diversity programs done in other organizations or within same group entities and look for ways and means to adopt them and be open for the same. (d) It is always top down, walk the talk and hence, very important that we leaders exhibit the same seriousness and respect to the diversity initiatives in an organization. Promoting an Inter-connected ApproachMany organizations struggle with adopting an inclusive mindset because the employees do not feel connected to their specially-abled colleagues. They either consider them a source of inspiration, or an object of pity, thus removing the human element from the equation. Our specially-abled colleagues are neither super-heroes nor weaklings ­ they are just like us and they want to be viewed through the same lens that we use to view ourselves. Removing this barrier will help drive a diverse mindset and this can only be done through an inter-connected approach.Being a true peer ally is all about authenticity and building a culture that appreciates an individual's different background, ethnicity, and belief system. It requires policies that promote diversity, employee-led task forces, a variety of opportunities for connecting outside of the typical workday, recognizing achievements and structured feedback mechanisms. Yes, it is not an easy task, but then, nothing worth achieving has ever been truly easy.
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