| | DECEMBER 202019two, which they think are essential-ly useful, and focus on them inter-mittently. This is the sort of nursery where love for skills can be under-stood and realized and it is thor-oughly impractical to conclude that they must always be the sole respon-sibility of the institute. This is where the entrepreneurs need to step in.The Link between Extracurricular Activities & EntrepreneurshipNow, the question is- what is the link between extracurricular ac-tivities and entrepreneurship? The corporate and entrepreneurs have to spend months training college graduates to first unlearn the text-book orientation that have been the part and parcel of their lives till now, and then learn to apply skills the way the market actually works and demands. And so, it makes real sense for entrepreneurs to scrape that unproductive post-recruitment training period and replace it with a well-thought, thoroughly planned extracurricular invasion at the col-lege and institute level.There are many and many of ways this participation of entrepre-neurs in extracurricular activities can be tactically introduced. Stu-dents, while they are in college do need to be directed on the right path, for there is no reason at all why anyone must discourage a col-lege fresher from having a passion for suppose, writing, cooking or body building. It will be better, to be honest, rather to help them set up their own platform where their obsession gets converted into a productive activity. Not only it will make him appreciate the art of clear and explicit expression of ideas, but also, it will help the person, in his or her businesses, in the long term, with the skill practiced over the years. The publishing industry can, for instance, help the College Liter-ary Club or the college magazine follow professional guidelines and be like internships for those intend-ing to join them later. Thus, every skill, from cartooning to sewing or weaving to ceramics, has the possibility of one or more connected industry to step-in and help institutes build the right infrastructure and a relevant focus.Emerging Market & Entrepreneurship OpportunitiesEntrepreneurship in education is no longer about just mentorship or sponsorship of the annual college fest. An entire section has conve-niently forgotten the essential link up with extracurricular activities in institutes and colleges which essentially have the potential to evolve into the most powerful weap-on those businesses, have ever seen. Businesses usually hire people and train them for months and months, so that they are turned into gen-erators of profit and incorrectly so, the educational institutes and colleges get all the blame for this flaw. Do you want to hear the truth? It is that out educational institutes have as well as provide the right opportunities that the entrepreneurs need to notice, nurture as well as nourish.Because of the diverse interests of school or college stu-dents, the range of extracurricular activi-ty offerings varies ex-tensively, depending upon the size and type of school, college or university. Extracurricu-lar activities range from primarily from participating in school mag-azines to social organizations to in-tercollegiate athletic programs, and more. Debates and elocution partici-pations have clarity in thoughts and a logical assimilation of appropriate ideas in the right sequence inbuilt in them. Community services such as walks & marches, donation drives, beach cleanup, volunteer fair, fund-raising activities, some fun trips to important places, such as summits and seminars; Summer opportuni-ties, such as career opportunities, boot camp, internships and lots more. These are the areas where a fresh leads can be generate, which is not only a golden opportunity of entrepreneurs but help in building a strong and responsible country. This is the need of our country, which is although a developing country but needs only a slight concentrated push to become a de-veloped country. Just need to work in a right direction to shape the fu-ture generation to take it from this stage with sea of opportunities that entrepreneurs are looking for. And if this is really true, businesses need to make it their business to label ex-tracurricular activities as opportuni-ties for future-building. IT MAKES REAL SENSE FOR ENTREPRENEURS TO SCRAPE THAT UNPRODUCTIVE POST-RECRUITMENT TRAINING PERIOD AND REPLACE IT WITH A WELL-THOUGHT, THOROUGHLY PLANNED EXTRACURRICULAR INVASION AT THE COLLEGE AND INSTITUTE LEVELMousumi Kundu Paul
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