| | MARCH 20208EXPERTS TALKBy Prof. Gulbash Duggal, Dean, International College of FashionProf. Gulbash boasts of a three decades long career in the Fashion & Design vertical, during which she has been associated with an array of fashion institutes such as Lisa Fashion Institute, Institute of Fashions, Spectrum Institute of Design, IIFT, and Satyam Fashion Institute, to name a few.All aspiring designers cre-ate labels ambitiously to quench their thirst for crea-tivity and glamour. However, while their thoughts and actions are fo-cused on the big `F' word (i.e. Fash-ion), one tends to skip the impor-tance of the even bigger `B' word (i.e. Business).Let's be honest; maintaining a business is extreme, particularly if you are in the Fashion Industry. Markets are getting sluggish, and stores are shutting. Still, nobody is going around undressed; hence, something is being sold and some-body is selling it. But why not you?How about we do some intro-spection towards fashion entrepre-neurship from a designer's point-of-view? The intention is to identify the kinds of challenges a fashion designer faces, both as a designer and an entrepreneur. To assess the challenges that affect the fashion entrepreneur, it is important to be aware of his/her ambitions. Not all entrepreneurs will start with the same values, possibly indicating that fashion entrepreneurs have to be segmented. Where one group is Creatively Oriented Organization Biggest Challenge for Fashion Entrepreneurs & What You Can Do About ItTHOUGHT LEADERSHIP
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