
Altigreen and Bolt.Earth collaborate to install EV Charging Stations


Altigreen, a leader in the last-mile vehicle industry, has teamed up with Bolt.Earth, a top supplier of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, to jointly install over 5000 charging stations over the course of the next three years, in addition to 100 3.3 kW charging stations for electric three-wheelers in a single month.

In India, the last-mile delivery market has seen a significant surge in demand for electric three-wheelers, particularly in the L5N (goods) category, where they currently account for 21% of total penetration. But Bolt.Earth and Altigreen agree that the nation's present infrastructure for charging devices is insufficient to keep up with the electrification drive. Range anxiety is keeping many owners of three-wheelers powered by fossil fuels from switching to electric vehicles because there aren't enough convenient places to charge their cars. This collaboration will therefore be crucial in reducing the main barriers to the adoption of electric three-wheelers through the prompt deployment of charging solutions.

Amitabh Saran, Founder & CEO, Altigreen, said, “The partnership will increase EV confidence among Altigreen’s customers, dealers, and lease operators, through accessible and cost-effective charging. By joining forces, we are addressing the pressing issue of range anxiety that has hindered the widespread adoption of electric 3-wheelers. Through the deployment of accessible and affordable charging points, we aim to empower users and instill confidence in the potential of electric vehicles. This partnership is a stride towards a future where electric mobility is seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives”.