Clutch's Survey Points out that Employees Care More about their Office Being Close to Home

CEO Insights team
Commuting costs employees time and money. In times of low unemployment, employers are competing for employees on many levels. A 10-minute commute is going to look a lot more attractive to a prospective employee than an hour
The survey was conducted on 503 full-time employees and almost half the employees states that closeness to home is the major factor when considering office location. However, only 16 percent says offices near to food and drink options is the most deciding factor, but survey shows that only 22 percent of employees go out to buy lunch at work.
Commenting on this, Ralph Benzakein, SVP, Cresa, says, “Commuting costs employees time and money. In times of low unemployment, employers are competing for employees on many levels. A 10-minute commute is going to look a lot more attractive to a prospective employee than an hour”.
In order to find and hire workers especially in urban areas, businesses near public transit have a better chance as they don’t have to limit themselves to only workers who come by driving or walking. Moreover, about 4 percent of the offices are near a metro, train or bus stop. John Boyd, Principal, Boyd Company, says, “Being close to mass transit allows HR departments to recruit the best and brightest from the entire labor market”.
Clutch’s survey also points out that, majority of the employees drive to work and businesses that provide parking options near the office can keep the employees happy. Employees can reduce stress, save time and increase productivity by keeping enough space for parking.
John Rampton, Founder & CEO, Calendar, comments, “The last thing you want to do is to spend time and be late [to work] all because you were trying to find parking. That is an unnecessary waste of time that can be avoided by offering parking”.
Founded in 2011, Clutch ranks service providers and map them on a Leaders Matrix based on the research in a specific market. The Leaders Matrix offers a broad view of the top-performing companies in a particular industry or location. Clutch acts as a data-driven field guide to the businesses in buying the decisions. It interviews real clients, collect data and compare competitors help find a firm for the next project.
In order to find and hire workers especially in urban areas, businesses near public transit have a better chance as they don’t have to limit themselves to only workers who come by driving or walking. Moreover, about 4 percent of the offices are near a metro, train or bus stop. John Boyd, Principal, Boyd Company, says, “Being close to mass transit allows HR departments to recruit the best and brightest from the entire labor market”.
Clutch’s survey also points out that, majority of the employees drive to work and businesses that provide parking options near the office can keep the employees happy. Employees can reduce stress, save time and increase productivity by keeping enough space for parking.
John Rampton, Founder & CEO, Calendar, comments, “The last thing you want to do is to spend time and be late [to work] all because you were trying to find parking. That is an unnecessary waste of time that can be avoided by offering parking”.
Founded in 2011, Clutch ranks service providers and map them on a Leaders Matrix based on the research in a specific market. The Leaders Matrix offers a broad view of the top-performing companies in a particular industry or location. Clutch acts as a data-driven field guide to the businesses in buying the decisions. It interviews real clients, collect data and compare competitors help find a firm for the next project.