Disney Seeking Strategic options for Star India Business

Disney is looking into strategic options for its Star India business, such as a joint venture or a sale, indicating strain at one of the premier properties it acquired from Fox.
According to people familiar with the matter, the company has spoken with at least one bank about ways to help the India business grow while sharing some of the costs. The discussions are still in their early stages, and it is unclear which options, if any, Disney may pursue.
Disney and many of its competitors are in the midst of a costly shift away from traditional TV businesses and towards streaming. To accomplish this, they spent heavily on deals, content, and technology both at home and abroad, with mixed results.
Disney paid $71.3 billion in 2019 for entertainment assets of 21st Century Fox. At the time, Star India was considered one of Fox’s crown jewels, and it was an important part of Disney’s plan to build out its fledgling streaming business globally.