
Government Forecasts Rs1.02 Lakh Crore Dividend from RBI


ForFor the upcoming fiscal year, the government anticipates a dividend income of Rs 1.02 lakh crore from the RBI and public sector financial institutions. The projection reflects an increase from the current fiscal year's expected dividend income of Rs 1.04 lakh crore, surpassing the initial Budget Estimate of Rs 48,000 crore. The higher dividend in the ongoing fiscal year was primarily due to the RBI disbursing Rs 87,416 crore in May of the previous year. In the preceding fiscal year, the government had garnered Rs 39,961 crore from the RBI and public sector financial institutions.

Concurrently, the government foresees dividend payments of Rs 43,000 crore from Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), while other investments are set to rise to Rs 50,000 crore in the ongoing fiscal year. In total, the government anticipates a dividend collection of Rs 1,54,407 crore from the RBI, public sector banks, and CPSEs for the current fiscal year. Looking ahead to the subsequent fiscal year, the projection is slightly lower at Rs 1.50 lakh crore from CPSEs, RBI, and banks.

A heightened dividend from banks and financial institutions, coupled with improved tax collection, is poised to contribute significantly to achieving the fiscal deficit glide path. The government's fiscal consolidation plan aims to decrease the fiscal deficit to below 4.5 percent of GDP by 2025-26, compared to the 5.1 percent recorded in 2024-25. The government envisions the fiscal deficit dropping to 5.4 percent in the fiscal year commencing on April 1, 2024.