How Can You Do SSC CHSL Exam Preparation In 30 Days Only?

Most students do not get enough time to do exam preparation. Have you been running out of time because of being busy with your other goals too? Do you want to do SSC CHSL preparation in one month? Though it is a bit difficult, not impossible. You can make it happen.
SSC CHSL exam is conducted every year to hire candidates for different posts in various government offices, departments, and organizations. To get a respected government job, lakh of students SSC CHSL Apply Online every year.
Since lakhs of students apply for this exam, competition is quite tough and tricky. However, it might not be tricky if you dedicate enough time to your preparation and are determined to clear it. Several books available online/offline helping to do exam preparation and understand SSC CHSL Exam Pattern accurately. Let’s check out how you can prepare for your exam in 30 days.
Categorize Your Study Plan Accordingly –
Categorize your study plan based on “Most Difficult”, “Difficult” and “Less Difficult”. To know your preparation in a better way, you also need to understand your syllabus accurately. It has four sections Quantitative Aptitude, General Intelligence, General Awareness, and English. You need to prepare your study plan by figuring out what is easy or hard for you. We are going to share a demo that may help you to understand how you can prepare your study plan for one month.
● Most Difficult Category-
Sections that you find most difficult, you should spend 2 hours studying it. The most Difficult section must be about the topics that you find quite tricky and they probably need more time in comparison to other sections.
Quantitative Aptitude is regarded as being one of the trickiest sections for most candidates. Therefore, you need to spare some more time for preparation. Talking about an ideal time limit to do preparation, you should spare 7-8 hours daily. Revision is equally important for this section.
⮚ Best book for quantitative aptitude section in SSC Mathematics by Rakesh Yadav and
⮚ Magical Book on Quicker Maths by M. Tyra
● Difficult Category–
Sections that come under the “Difficult” category should be given 1.5 hours. You should add sections in this category which are less tricky. General Intelligence/Reasoning can be put under this category. Though it is a vast section, it is easy in comparison to Quantitative Aptitude.
⮚ It includes a variety of topics such as study distance, analogy, coding/decoding, assumptions & directions, study distance & direction, number series, etc.
⮚ Once you prepare these topics in the first week then you should dedicate the second week to other topics such as seating arrangement, study blood relations, Inequalities, paper folding questions, mirror images, etc.
⮚ Go through the previous year's questions to understand how they come in the exam. It helps you to understand the format of the exam too. ● Less Difficult Category –
You should give 1 hour daily for the section categorized “Less Difficult”. This category should cover subjects and topics which are easiest and do not need that way much time. This category should cover General Awareness and English.
⮚ In the first week, you should cover study polity, science, and economy, tenses, grammar basics, idiom, and phrases.
⮚ The second week should be dedicated to history, geography, and current affair from general awareness.
⮚ You should cover active and passive, direct and indirect, and error spotting from the English section in the second week. Plinth to Paramount By Neetu Singh and Objective English by S.P. Bakshi is the best book for English.
⮚ For General Awareness, Manorama Yearbook by Philip Mathew and Mammen Mathew are best.
What You Must Not Ignore -
The rest time you should dedicate to solving mock tests as well as question papers. To get a high score, you need to make your study plan effectively. Since you have only 30 days to prepare for this exam, categorize your study plan smartly. Apart from it, you should also make sure that you are going with standard books to prepare for your exam. Do not forget to cover previous year questions papers, mock test, and sample papers app. Moreover, you may also explore Youtube channels to have a better understanding. The best books for SSC CHSL are quite effective.
Conclusion –
Hope these above mentioned tips and tricks helped you to get an idea of how you need to prepare for the SSC CHSL exam within 30 days. So, what are you waiting for? Prepare your study plan accordingly. We wish you the best of luck with your exam.
Author Bio
Chetan Sharma is a blogger and digital marketer by profession. He handles a network of multiple websites like teacher text & various others. He helps clients all over the world to achieve digital success.