IBM Gets to the Top Spot in Global AI Market Share, Banking on IBM Data Science Elite Team

CEO Insights team , Press Release
Commenting on this achievement, Seth Dobrin, Phd, Vice President, IBM Data & AI, and CDO IBM Cloud & Cognitive Software, remarks, “Companies come to us because they know they need an AI plan, but they often don't know where to start.” “Today, the Elite Team has become a key plank of IBM's AI strategy to help companies overcome the pitfalls of AI through innovative technologies and our dedicated Elite Team of data scientists,” adjoins Dobrin, who helped architect & manage the Elite Team.
IBM's Data Science Elite Team tackles the challenges faced by many organizations in the area of data science and AI – skills shortage. In its Linkedin Workforce Report, Linkedin stated there were 151,000 unfilled data scientist jobs in the US. Most recently, in the firm's new ‘2020 Emerging Jobs Report’, it ranked AI Specialists and Data Scientists as the first and third top jobs for 2020 respectively, showing an annual growth of 74 percent and 37 percent.
This team has also helped IBM drive AI, Data Science and Machine Learning deeper into enterprises, one client at a time. But the effort has become a pillar of the company's AI story and philosophy, to help clients overcome the challenges of AI adoption. IDC ranks IBM number one in global AI market share by revenue, with
The Elite Team has become a key plank of IBM's AI strategy to help companies overcome the pitfalls of AI through innovative technologies
companies leveraging the Elite Team to apply Data Science and Machine Learning to rising data challenges. In the past year alone, the Data Science Elite Team has grown in size from 30 data scientists to almost 100 and grown its roster of client engagements to more than 130.
“We were committed to moving toward a fully distributed architecture for our Machine Learning but one of the biggest challenges we faced was resources,” states Adam Woods, CTO, Wunderman Thompson Data. “Working with IBM and its Data Science Elite Team, our teams can now free up time from their day-to-day responsibilities to learn and build a proof of concept organically. Our data scientists focused on the immediate business requirements and the IBM team focused on the technology. This joint collaboration resulted in a machine learning pipeline, via Watson, that fully utilized all of our data signals to produce models that increase the performance over our previous models by 200 percent or more. We are now working aggressively to roll this out into our production,” he concludes.
In addition to assisting clients in their AI and digital transformations, the Elite Team has been at the forefront of learning and development projects. For instance, IBM, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Linux Foundation are building an innovative, first-of-a-kind open source project to help enable universities around the world to build Data Science programs faster. With IBM's involvement and industry expertise, University of Pennsylvania's long-standing academic leadership and the Linux Foundation as a premier open source consortium, the team is creating a curriculum kit comprised of a set of open source building blocks for teaching the core concepts of data science in undergraduate and graduate programs. These building blocks are based on Python and open source tools and frameworks, and include slides, documentation, code, and data sets that could be adopted or updated by users. This work is set to be available on Github in early 2020.