
Microchip Introduces 3kW Transient Voltage Suppressor Diode Array Familyfor SuperiorCircuit ProtectioninHarsh Environments

Microchip Introduces 3kW Transient Voltage Suppressor Diode Array Familyfor SuperiorCircuit ProtectioninHarsh Environments

CEO Insights team, Press Release

To ensure critical operations,aviation and space systemsrely on digital and logic functionality and circuitry in engine control units, environmental controls, instruments and actuators.Data centers, the 5G infrastructure and communication systems also rely on complex circuitry requiring protection. Each systemmust operate continuouslydespite voltagesurgesand spikes from lightning, solar events andelectromagnetic incidents. Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq:MCHP)today announcedits newly-expanded portfolio of Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) vertical arrays– the MDA3KP Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS),a 3kWdiode familyof more than 25 products with different screening levels, polarities and qualification standards.

Microchip’s MDA3KP TVS diode array family – the only available technologyoffering a comprehensive voltage range tested to a high reliability standard andqualified based onthe MIL-PRF-19500 JANTX level equivalence standard– providesan integrated multi-diode solution. Thesevoltage-clamping devices providefast-reacting Avalanche Breakdown Diode (ABD) features that divert excess current around sensitive components to protect them from electrical overstress.

“Digital controls, logic and diagnostic system circuit blocks require highly reliable, secure current and power protection to ensure operations in extreme environments,” said Leon Gross,vice president of Microchip’s Discrete Product Group business unit. “This diode family also addresses the challenges system designers face with a more efficient vertical construction and requirement for less board space than other devices.”

MDA3KP TVS diode arrays are available in the following screened version industry standards: M, MA, MXL and MX.

This diode family also addresses the challenges system designers face with a more efficient vertical construction and requirement for less board space than other devices

The devices have been exposed to various levels of testing to ensurethey meet the aircraft lightning protection requirements set forth in the standard for environmental testing of avionics, RTCA DO-160E (Lightening Induced Transient Susceptibility).RTCA (the American Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics) is the industry consortium that develops consensus on critical aviation modernization issues.

The MDA3KP TVS diode array, a vertically constructed8-diode, 16-pin surface mount package, allows for efficient layout and ease of design,as less printed circuit board space is required while enabling higher power densities.In the MDA3KP TVS diode arrayfamily, eachdevice’s vertical construction provides the power of eight smaller devices on a printed circuit board, eliminating the need for the multiple deviceseven as it provides higher power.

Available in unidirectional and bidirectional construction in standoff voltages of 6V to 40V, the components provide Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Electrical Fast Transients (EFT) protection according IEC standardsand a Peak Pulse Power rating of 3000 W at 10/1000 µs.With an extended temperature range from -55°C to +150°C, the devices are lot traceable, surge tested, and Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) Level 1 – demonstrating that these devices are ready for use in harsh environments. MSL indicates that no dry pack or bake is required prior to use.The MDA3KP TVS diode array family’spower rating is the industry’s only available technology with this level of screening in this package.

Microchip’s 3kW MDA diode family providesmilitary system circuit protection for ruggedized handheld radios, Global Positioning System (GPS), communication test equipment.Other device applications include automotive, industrial logging equipment, power supplies and marine systems.
Source : Press Release

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