oVio Technologies and AVRA Medical Robotics Come Together to Automate Surgical Procedures

CEO Insights Team
oVio’s imaging technology will be utilized by AVRA to robotize various medical procedures, that are currently been carried out by humans. These medical procedures include biopsies, tissue targeting, neurological repair, internal organ procedures and more. oVio’s imaging technology provides accurate navigation and exact targeting to the robotic medicals and aesthetic procedures.
The company owned 2D & 3D imaging platform merges the 360 degree high definition camera works with machine
learning algorithms and neutral networks to obtain a comprehensive 3D models of human subjects. The oVio image file improvises the image centric computer vision, machine learning and AI technologies. Besides the medical pursuits, oVio’s technology is also used in identification management systems and entertainment media.
George Rebensdorf, CEO of oVio Technologies, Inc says, “The aging population is rapidly increasing, while the number of medical specialists is on a serious decline – making the necessity of finding solutions to this specialist shortage vital.” He adds, “By partnering with AVRA, we aim to help its medical robotics team implement to create a fully autonomous surgical robot that can see and understand the nuances of the human body and help alleviate the need for many specialists.”By partnering with AVRA, we aim to help its medical robotics team implement to create a fully autonomous surgical robot that can see and understand the nuances of the human body and help alleviate the need for many specialists.