Parenting and Its Effects on Kid’s Academic Life

There are so many parents and kids in this world who share a very good bond with each other. Parents nurture their kids according to their own way and with all those conditions around their kids which they wish to have around them. But how far they can say with confirmation that they are performing right parenting. 99% cases have been studied to have strictness and robust decisions for the kids when they make any mistake or misbehave.
Parents usually choose the path of punishment and take punitive actions against the disrespectful behavior of their kids. Usually, it seems correct to some extent also to be a little robust against the children beyond the limit mischief and naughtiness but is it really necessary to be robust and harsh towards the child to make him/her understand about discipline or any other necessary topics? The solution to this problem is definitely there which is known as Gentle parenting and getting very popular these days too.
Gentle parenting is an agreement between both parents and kids to honor each other. In this parenting, parents never insult their kids, neither at home nor outside. Gentle parenting projects everything about it just by its name that here parents have to be gentle towards kids. Here, parents teach their kids everything with a polite gesture and calm mind instead of giving punishments to the kids.
According to the school information management system, it is also called Collaborative Parenting here guardians or parents never force their kids to study or to do anything being robust to the child. Here parents choose two major tools for human connection and those are bond and trust, and using these two tools’ parents make their children understand what they expect from them is to make the kids learn by conducting an open minded and politely arranged conversation. For example, in front of everyone somebody asked the term ERP full form and the kid could not answer, then instead of insulting him parents will explain the term ERP full form to the kids politely.
Sometimes parents cross the line by being very rude to the children if they attain less marks in their tests and exams. Sometimes students think that now they are going to face the wrath of their parents if they could not achieve their academic targets. but these children really deserve such rude or robust behavior. Robust parenting includes strict rules that must be followed and if not then they will be punished, kids can't talk back, open communication is prohibited and they should be scared of parents.
In my opinion it is not right because kids will lose their focus and will be scared. So, let’s see what effects harsh parenting has on kids. As per the school information management system, Children cannot resist such behavior and as a result they become silent and as they cannot vent out their feelings and emotions, they become aggressive and become weak in the matter of self-confidence. Due to which in academic life also kids can never muster the courage to ask any queries to the tutor and keep on getting lagged behind in studies.
As a result, they become unable to make their own decisions. Kids and students in such a family where authority remains in robust state always, becomes introverted and they lose command over good communication. Children learn from their parents and they follow them as an example their whole life. Based on this concept, children who go through a childhood full of such rudeness, they also behave the same with their own children in the future.
Due to such negligence students lose their control over their own capacity to make decisions for his or her interests. As he or she has been dependent on his/her authoritative and robust parents' whole life has to follow the orders of parents only so he or she has never learnt how to make their own decisions. As a result, for the rest of his/her life such children will be dependent on others.
Instead of scolding and holding the kids grounded for their mischief in any social event it is better for the parents to set an example in front of the kids by behaving well themselves. Children will certainly follow if something is taught politely. Children follow what they see in their home. So, it is better for the parents to show & teach their kids about social skills lovingly only. This is the only way to teach something valuable to the kids.