
RevExpois one of the best and most reliable online consumer review platforms based in India. RevExpo was established in June 2019 that provides reviews for products, services, IT, websites, and government schemes. The platform provided by RevExpoprovides up to date reviews on top trending and latest consumer products and services. RevExpo founder, Bhaskar Janagani, has an experience of over 15 years in Information Technology and has worked for multiple MNCs in USA and Canada in the past. Before the RevExpostartup, Janagani had setup IT consulting and eCommerce startup companies and were later on sold to his partners. In January 2020, Janagani successfully managed to raise 50 lakhs Indian Rupees from Angel Investors (USA and Canada) for further expansion and development for his online services.
Jangan Always believed that “Failing at something once, twice, or even a thousand times does not mean you’ve reached a dead end, it means you have taken another chance at it, and you are getting a step closer to the success you desire. As you live and encounter obstacles and failures on the path you choose, you will learn valuable lessons from every mistake you make.”
One of Jangani’s many favorite quotes is, “When you take risks you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important.” - Ellen DeGeneres
Why Are Online Reviews Important?
With the increasing competition, brand awareness, and marketing campaigns, consumers are given a wide range of options to choose from. Businesses operating at all scales and in different industries are flooding their products into the market and spending a hefty amount of their budgets on marketing. This leaves the customer confused and indecisive about which product or service they should go for. This is where third-party review websites such as RevExpo become useful for customers as they help them make the right buying decisions for online purchasing of such products and services. With the ease and advancement of technology, customer reviews have become an important aspect of purchasing products and services online. Not only does this help customers but also helpsstartup businessesthat have launched their products into the market. Businesses can improve their products and services in areas where they lack and get negative reviews from customers. This allows them to learn and further develop their products and services up to the standards and expectations of customers. The other great advantage of reviews is to increase brand awareness and generate more sales and revenue. According to surveys, products, and services that have a positive review have a 92% chance of being bought by other customers.
Fake Reviews and their Impacts
Although product and service reviews turn out to be beneficial for both, the customers and
businesses, they also have disadvantages associated with them. Many businesses use inorganic means to promote their products and reach out to customers. Fake reviews on third-party websites or even business websites is a common tool to lure and fool customers by making them believe in false information. Businesses use this mechanism to increase sales and revenue by hiring service providers or individuals who leave positive reviews and comments about their products or services. Businesses or individuals also use fake reviews in the form of negative feedback or comments as a rivalry tool to damage the reputation of a competitor operating in the same business line. Thus, it is imperative to make sure you read reviews and comments about products and services from certified and trusted third party websites. Many customers also consider surveys as a tool for buying decisions, however, surveys may not necessarily reflect a real opinion for a product or service. The difference between posting a review and filling out a survey is that reviews are given with the intention of either complete satisfaction or dissatisfaction and individuals want to share their opinion and experience self willingly. Whereas, surveys are usually enforced on customers and most of them end up giving a biased opinion just to get rid of it.
Why trust RevExpo?
RevExpo is slightly different from most of the sites that provide reviews for products and
services. It provides a thorough insight into the product and services including advantages and disadvantages and also a detailed comparison of other products and services offered by competitors operating in the same business industry. Most of the product reviews are given on products that are purchased from online retailers, primarilyAmazon IndiaandFlipkart. Customers can create a private account on revexpo and post products and services reviews as individual reviewers or critics. This is also a suitable platform for those individuals as they can become famous and build a reputation over social media. Their honest and genuine reviews can help online customers by making the best choice for themselves. In addition to fame and reputation, you can also make an earning by sharing your reviews. RevExpo rewards its users for sharing each video review on the website with other customers. They can make extra money on each online purchase by posting their reviews on RevExpo. Customers share their views and experience that assists other customers who are considering or willing to choose that product or something similar. The unique and distinct feature of RevExpo is that it allows the customers to provide video and picture reviews of a product. This makes it easier for other customers to make decisions for selecting the right product.
Additionally, Revexpo also provides articles and blogs with detailed instructions on how to avail services from online retailers. Many individuals find it challenging when it comes to placing orders, making inquiries, or even returning damaged or unwanted products they have bought online. With the help of RevExpo users who had also faced such issues or simply want to share their experience, it provides a step by step guide that helps customers to reach out to online retailers efficiently and effectively.RevExpo also provides information to help startup businesses and entrepreneurs to become sellers on Amazon India and Flipkart. Furthermore, RevExpo users who have subscribed to notifications from RevExpowill be notified of sales, promotions, discounts available on online retailers like Amazon India and Flipkart.
RevExpo is a helpful third-party online platform to share and access genuine reviews on products and services in India. It focuses on empowering, enhancing, and informing businesses and customers about products and services available in the market.