
SEFA Declares Bill Fedorka as VP

SEFA Declares Bill Fedorka as VP

CEO Insights Team

SEFA group has declared the promotion of Bill Fedroka, P.E as the Vice President, Engineering Product that processes & markets environmentally sustainable products derived from coal combustion byproducts. Bill has experience of over a decade of leading engineering & advancements of SEFA’s properiatary STAR Technology Facilities. and has been instrumental in company’s growth & leadership in upcoming technologies.
Joining as the vice president, Fedorka will guide SEFA’s research & development, engineering, project management, environmental services, and business development efforts. Before this, he has held various positions for the company including Executive Director of Business Development & Director of Engineering. On this occasion, "We have an outstanding team and phenomenal environment that promotes cooperation and trust. We will continue to push the boundaries of innovation in our industry, and I'm excited about the opportunities we have moving forward."

Bill has completed Professional Engineer with B. S in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State University and has presented technical articles at numerous conference over his tenure at SEFA.

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