Tata Power, Marksans Pharma, Uniparts India Shares To Become Ex-Dividend Today

The ex-dividend day for shares of Tata Power, Marksans Pharma, Uniparts India, Seshasayee Paper & Boards, and Optiemus Infracom turns today.
Tata Power stock will stop paying dividends. An end-of-year dividend of Rs 2 per share was issued by the electricity business. On June 21, the actual payment will be made. As the Tata group company "moves towards its long term aspiration built on businesses of the future while maintaining a healthy balance sheet," domestic brokerage Anand Rathi recently maintained its "Buy" rating on Tata Power.
"This is clearly visible from the improvement seen in the operational and financial metrics in each passing quarter With rapidly growing generation capacity at its disposal, strengthened focus on EV and renewables businesses, we expect the company's performance to improve from current levels," it said.
The ex-dividend date for Uniparts India shares is today. A dividend of Rs. 6 per share was announced by the supplier of systems and components for the off-highway industry. The board of directors of Uniparts India will decide whether stockholders are eligible for the dividend on today, which is also the record date for the distribution. The dividend will be paid to all qualifying shareholders whose names are on the list as of the record date. On June 24, the actual payment will be made.
Today is the ex-dividend day for Marksans Pharma shares. The pharmaceutical company with its headquarters in Mumbai announced a final dividend of Re 0.50 per share. The record date for the same is currently today.
The ex-dividend date for Seshasayee Paper & Boards shares is today. A dividend of Rs 6 per share had been declared by this corporation. Optiemus Infracom will likewise stop paying dividends today. A interim dividend of Rs. 1.50 was issued by this corporation.