The 6th Middle East Retail and e-Commerce Summit to determine the future landscape of retail and ecommerce

The 6th Middle East Retail & e-Commerce Sum- mit & Awards was successfully concluded on the 1st of May 2024 at the Riyadh Marriott Hotel in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Summit brought together a diverse audience of thought leaders, professionals, and innovators from around the Kingdom to discuss global best practices in order to determine the future land- scape of retail & ecommerce.
Renowned professionals in the sector delivered captivating presentations on emerging techno- logies, market trends, and transformative stra- tegies poised to shape the future of retail & e-Commerce. Dynamic and interactive panel dis- cussions facilitated lively debates and know- ledge-sharing on pertinent topics, fostering colla- boration and exchange of ideas among the audience. The event lived up to the expectation of fostering a vibrant ecosystem of collaboration and innovation.
The enthusiasm and collaboration displayed by the audience emphasized the collective commitment to driving innovation and shaping the future of Retail & e-Commerce Sector. We look forward to building on this momentum and continuing to serve as a catalyst for positive change in the years to come.
The event hosted over 120 senior professionals from various organizations across the kingdom, with over 27 speakers delivering an immensely knowledgeable 15 sessions. The audience mainly consisted of major Retail 7 e-Commerce Companies, PMCG, personal wellness, Apparels, Footwear and accessories, Consumer electronics and so on. The satisfying feedback from the speakers, sponsors and the delegates were no less than encouraging for the host, Scribe Minds & Media, to come back to the Kingdom on a much larger scale.
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Source : Press Release