The Australia-India InnovEd Forum Webinar Series on Technology and Pedagogy

The Center for Information Technology and Public Policy (CITAPP) at the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B), the Australia India Institute (AII) and EduGrowth will host three webinars as part of the Australia India InnovEd Forum. All three webinars are free and open to the public.
The first webinar, Enhancing Learning Outcomes in Australia and India: The Role of E-learning, will be hosted on 20 June 2024. It will examine tools or mechanisms that education institutions in both countries are adopting to efficiently integrate digital education into their curricula, including processes for continuous monitoring and assessment of learning outcomes.
The online event will convene key stakeholders from both Australia and India to exchange insights on digital learning advancements in higher education. "Australia and India, with their diverse education ecosystems, offer unique perspectives and solutions to issues of joint importance", said Hon. Lisa Singh, Chief Executive Officer of the Australia India Institute. "That is why we at the Australia India Institute are excited to partner with IIIT-Bangalore and EduGrowth to launch the Australia India InnovEd Series. This new event series will explore the impact of digital advancements in higher education and how both countries can benefit from sharing their experiences and insights on this important topic".
Professors Balaji Parthasarathy and Sridhar Varadharajan from IIIT-Bangalore, highlighted the importance of the event, stating, " Innovations in Education Technologies that facilitate on-line and distance education have prompted institutions around the world to expand their outreach. At the same time, the challenges in offering programmes on-line compared to those in-person, especially with respect to the quality of delivery, learner attention, and rigorous evaluations, have prompted regulators to initiate steps to bridge the gaps. It is in this context that CITAPP is collaborating with the Australia India Institute at the University of Melbourne, and EduGrowth, to host the Australia India InnovEd Forums for expert opinions and views on the critical issues facing both countries”.
Source : Press Release