The Growing Importance of Cloud

The sudden push to go digital enforced many organizations to adapt cloud services & technologies. However, it wasn’t easy for them. The shortage of skills were one of the major reasons leading to data security breaches, which led many organizations pay millions in ransom to the attackers/hackers. Hence upskilling their talent force in cloud technologies have become a prime for the organizations for whom clients matter, whether it’s seamless customer experience or data security.
A survey by TechGig reflects that most Indian technologists prefer to upskill in cloud technologies believing that its proficiency promises better career prospects. Enhanced job prospects were voted as the top reason for cloud preference by 55 percent technologists. Other prominent aspects like the rapid adoption of cloud was voted the second, with 28 percent vote share, in different sectors and hefty salary earned by cloud professionals ranked lower.
The survey is based on nearly 1,750 tech professionals to understand their views on cloud computing. About 78 percent of the surveyed respondents belonged to the 25-30 years age bracket, while nearly 82 percent of respondents were working with IT firms, and the rest were tech undergraduates.
So what leads to such a growth of cloud market? It’s the numerous benefits it brings to the fore. Some of them are:
Ease of Availability: Cloud is undoubtedly the best solution for accessing information from anywhere, anytime. Around 68 percent of the respondents said the biggest advantage of using Cloud services was its ease of availability. While 14 percent of respondents said Cloud was preferred for offering reduced costs, 13 percent of the survey takers found that easy data recovery was its best usability.
Data Security Biggest Reason to Choose Cloud Service Providers: There are several factors that impact tech professionals' decision to choose a Cloud service provider. In the TechGig survey more than 50 percent professionals said that they would choose Cloud service basis strong data security. The second and third priorities were better customer support and manageability, respectively. Surprisingly, the cost (of a Cloud provider) is the least important factor among technologists while choosing a service. Here is the breakdown:
Google Cloud Tops the Preference List of Techies: The jobs of the future would require expertise in new-age skills, and upskilling is the only resolve for a long term career. Hence upskilling in Cloud technology is of utmost importance for forward-looking IT professionals. When asked about their favourite Cloud technology to learn, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) was named as the top choice followed by Amazon Web Services (AWS.
Online Mode is the Top Medium for Learning Cloud: With the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak, our world was forced to move to remote working culture faster than ever before. When techies were asked about their preferred method of upskilling in the Cloud, more than 47 percent respondents chose online live training from qualified personnel as the best way to upskill. Physical books, whitepapers, and offline resources have lost their charm in recent years and were named as the least-preferred way of upskilling by the developers.
Technology domain is transforming faster than ever with the emergence of new-age technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Robotics, and AR/VR and others. Cloud computing is relatively older than these technologies but still has its relevance as a most-in-demand skill among developers. When asked about their budget for Cloud learning, over 73 percent said that they would spend Rs.10,000-20,000 annually. The complete breakdown is available here: