• Masterpay: More Services  in a Single Wallet
  • TOP 10 B2B Payments Services Providers - 2020

    Since ages, people and organizations interchangeably have relied on diverse payment systems for the purchase of goods and services. Among gazillion of innovations with the desire for convenience, payment system also moved away from the bartering system to the present day. Where businesses didn’t have much options for paying or getting paid, they have numerous options laid ahead now. The payments industry is constantly transforming through digitization and is growing, and the cloud technology is accelerating & helping encounter the challenges incurred across the channels. FinTech companies are glutting the market, intentionally to refurbish the former financial industry by emphasizing on the increased accessibility to all things digital. Boosting the customer expectations and...

Company Logo Company Name Company Management Company Description
IMwalleT IMwalleT Rashmita Nayak & Vinay Sharma , Directors India's fastest growing and reliable Telecom Aggregator offering a wide range of Recharge, Bill & Utility Payment services under one platform to retailers & distributors
India Transact Services India Transact Services Sunil Khosla, Head Digital Business - Retail , Ravi B. Goyal, Chairman & Managing Director Offers a full suite of digital payment services including value-added services, loyalty solutions, and applications under one umbrella
InstantPay India InstantPay India Shailendra Agarwal, CEO, Amol Sonbarse, Head - Business & Strategy , Ajay Upadhyay, Head - Operations & Risk India’s premium Neo Banking platform delivering full-stack banking services to individuals and businesses of all sizes along with having a large network of banking touch points called Digi Kendras delivering basic banking services to under banked India
MasterPay MasterPay Nirmal Savjibhai Patel, Managing Director , Jigna Patel, CFO & Director One of the fastest growing online recharge B2B portals that provide bucket of services in a single wallet
Minkspay Minkspay Sanket Shendure , Co-Founder & CEO A one-stop-shop that is transforming small retail stores into digital outlets by enabling seamless payments between retailers and their distributors through UPI as a platform
PayBingo PayBingo Parveen Wadhwa , Founder A B2B payment and financial service provider committed to provide services to its partners on a extended level
PayMate PayMate Ajay Adiseshann , Founder & CEO A leader in B2B payments for SMEs across supply chains, providing a comprehensive digital workflow tied to payments which enable transition from traditionally slow and costly forms of payments such as cash & cheques to realtime digital payments
PayU PayU Nitin Gupta , Co-Founder A fintech company that provides payment technology to online merchants, allowing online businesses to accept and process payments through payment methods that can be integrated with web and mobile applications
PhonePe PhonePe Sameer Nigam , Founder An Indian e-Commerce payment system and digital wallet company providing a cashless and a seamless payment experience through its app
Razorpay Razorpay Harshil Mathur , Co-Founder & CEO One of the acknowledged payments solutions company in India which allows businesses to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite providing access to all payment modes, including credit card, debit card, netbanking, UPI and popular wallets

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