| | July 20209their current role or transitioning into another. LXP represents the new world of corporate learning.According a research, over 55 percent of high potential em-ployees are willing to switch jobs if they feel their digital skills are stagnating. But with the help of LXP, the organizations are able to successfully address these challenges by making it easy for employees to upskill themselves and be ahead of their competi-tion. Smart LXPs integrate the four learning delivery modes, i.e. self-paced, classroom, live virtual and MOOCs.Here are four reasons why Learning eXperience Platform should replace your Learning Management Systems 1. LXP Extends Learning Op-portunities: LMS is a closed sys-tem that does not allow users to go beyond a set of the learning path-way. LXP allows flexibility to em-ployees, enabling them to choose their desired course and learn at their own pace. Adding LXP to the existing LMS can help man-agers to see what other learning activities employees are engag-ing in and track their progress for better assessment.2. Using Digital Platform for Learning New Skills: Today, peo-ple want to stay ahead of their competition and want to learn new things. So they read a vast se-lection of online publications and learn new skills online through personal devices. Social Media is increasingly offering opportuni-ties for collaborative learning, curation as well as sharing of content, which in turn is enhanc-ing the performance of employ-ees in an organization. LXP pro-vides L&D heads true insights on their employee's progress, inter-ests and capabilities, which helps them to create more effective and targeted content.3. LXPs Empower Learners & Gives Them Choices: A Learning Experience Platform (LXP) allows employees to enjoy greater con-trol and choose from a wide varie-ty of options about what they want to learn. It is employee-driven, which means that they can share their learnings and new content with their colleagues and also de-cide which content to consume in what form and when. This helps them to take control of their learn-ings. LMS, on the other hand, is a closed system which allows only L&D teams to add content. LMS does not give the learners control over the content they can access.4. LXPs Encourage Social Learning & Collaboration: LXPs not only makes it easy for employ-ees to find new courses, but also use and share high-quality eL-earning materials with their peers. It also helps an employee to show-case their skills which encourages like-minded people to participate. It also makes it easy for managers to track employee's performance while learning and help them whenever possible. Managers can also encourage learners to engage with one another to improve team dynamics and performance.Modern learning solutions like LXP help to support knowledge sharing within an organization. It also encourages users to generate content, which helps the organiza-tion to capture their knowledge on topics they have expertise in, and also give L&D team the in-sight they need to effectively cu-rate and share content across the business. This kind of personali-zation is vital for the employees and business.We know that academia has influenced the corporate learning space, and many of us have adopt-ed these in our training models. It is important to recognize that something which may work for education may not work well with business. While LMS is a very use-ful tool, it needs to be supplement-ed by LXP, which is considered to be the new emerging category of eLearning excellence. So, it's time to move on from LMS to LXP for the betterment of the employees and growth of the organisation. MEDIA IS INCREASINGLY OFFERING OPPORTUNITIES FOR COLLABORATIVE LEARNING, CURATION AS WELL AS SHARING OF CONTENT, WHICH IN TURN IS ENHANCING THE PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES IN AN ORGANIZATION
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