| | DECEMBER 20208How Automotive Sector has evolved over the years? Provide an insight on the kind of inno-vations that the sector has embraced over the years.The automotive sector has seen an incredible amount of change since Daimler invented the first motored cars, trucks and bikes back in the 1800s. The pace of that change has picked-up in the last 10 years and will only increase more as we go forward. This can be accredited to `CASE': Connectivity, Au-tonomous, Shared/Services and Electric. As access to the internet has become more pro-lific, consumers have come to expect ready access to information. Through their smart phones, their home appliances, their cars; people expect data at their fingertips. This is no less true for commercial vehicles. A good example of the benefits offered by Connectivity is the `Truckonnect' service; using this telematics function, a fleet owner can connect all his trucks to the internet and then make real-time requests for data like vehicle location, fuel efficien-cy, driving patterns and more.Autonomous technologies promise equally excit-ing benefits in terms of improving safety, efficien-cy and in helping make-up for the lack of qualified drivers available.Meanwhile, the automotive sector has also been transformed by the emergence of new players such as Uber and Lyft, who positioned Shared/Services By Satyakam Arya, MD & CEO, Daimler IndiaAn IIM ­ Calcutta alumnus, Satyakam, in his career spanning over two decades, has held key responsibilities across major multination automotive companies such as Maruti Suzuki, Mahindra Renault, Mahindra & Mahindra, and Mitsubishi, to name a few.as a viable alternative to car ownership. Similarly, the introduction of stricter environmental norms has en-couraged manufacturers to explore electrification ­ hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, fuel cell technolo-gies, and so on.At Daimler, we understand that CASE topics will continue to transform our industry for many years to come; as the inventor of automotive mobility, it is both Satyakam AryaEXPERTS TALKTHOUGHT LEADERSHIPAUTOMATION IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY ­ AN INDUSTRY OVERVIEW
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